Managed DirectX 9 - no DirectShow?


New member
Apr 29, 2003
Hi all,

there is no namespace DirectShow in Managed DirectX 9
I do progam in C#, but all functionality I need comes with
Direct Show. I saw samples with DX8.1 wraping C++
class. At that time there was no managed DX.

So do I need do all this workaroud stuff, or there is diferent solution

Theres an AudioVideoPlayback namespace (you must reference Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback) - but I hear it only does basic audio and video playback, not the full DirectShow library.

From the MS newsgroups, it sounds like there is no managed support right now for DirectShow. Theres a thread titled "No DirectShow What a Surprise!" where people have talked about the basics of creating a managed wrapper around the non-managed directshow pieces - it didnt look that difficult, but I didnt read it that close :)

AudioVideoPlayback would appear to be DirectShow(DirectShow has never been very good anyway[poor control over the streams and inability to extract individual frames], so a substandard managed class would be fitting), AudioVideoPlayback can play MP3, WAV, AVI, MID, RMI, MP2(certain versions of), and a few others
A guy aka NetMaster has posted a DirectShow wrapper he has written at .DirectShow.NET

There is loads of useful stuff on this subject by the same author and others available via links from the site.

One other possible alternative dependent on the project is to use Windows Media 9 SDK available from MSDN. This has loads of stuff for encoding, playing, streaming media in C#. They have released a Primary Interop Assembly (PIA) for the SDK, which comes with the downloads, which makes it really nice to program in