splash screen label delay on display


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2003
I have a splash screen which is a basic Form that contains a label. When the main application constructor is called, I instantiate the splash screen and show the splash screen on top of the parent application. In the splash screen class, I start a timer which waits for 3 seconds and then hides itself.

The problem I have is when the splash screen is first shown (using the form.Show() method ), the area on the Form where the label is located shows through to what was on the desktop before the parent application window was shown. Then, after about 2 seconds, the label fills in with the text it is supposed to show. The label has a transparent background which seems to be picking up the desktop at the very begining when it is first shown. All of this code is very basic.

Can anyone suggest what I could do to get the splash screen label to be displayed correctly at the start of the splash screen display? Is there a way to show the splash screen in a separate thread that would help? When I tried this, the thread ends imediately so the splash screen only up for a few milliseconds.
