Desperatly seeking....


Well-known member
Dec 31, 1969
Quebec, Canada

Its been a while now, and Im realy getting sick of these components !! I have a DataGrid with 2 columns and one with a ComboBox in. Since theres a ComboBox, the Cell needs to be editable, but I dont wanna let people write anything in it !! Thje problem is that I cannot make the Combo appears 100% of the time... The CurrentCellChanged Event isnt always raised.

So I need something either to prevent people from editing the Cell, or to make shure the f***ing ComboBox appears ALWAYS.

The code I used to implement the ComboBox in the DataGrid is based on the one in the FAQ document on this forum.

Thanks !
Which implementation are you using? this FAQ mentions 4 versions and all work differently. Maybe you could post the code youre using for the ComboBox control and for a sample form so that we can help. And, are you just trying to set the DropDownStyle to DropDownList so that they cant type, or are you trying to JUST use the combo to always be read-only so that you can bind to a foreign key relationship (bind to ID in one table, show a description from another)?

Sorry for the delay, I just got your answer. Heres the sample I used for the ComboBox implementation.

By the way, I just added an event Handler (for the KeyPress) on the Cell AND on the Combo. This way I can just put e.Handled = True and it works just fine. The DataGrid is powerful, but tricky, it really needs a little time to get used to it.

