OK, I need to open a dialog window; easy enough except I dont want any toolbar, menubar, titlebar etc. Reading Microsofts site this is easy enough if it is a hta (trusted application) but how do you do it in ASP.NET it ignores the titlebar property
Code so far...
Code so far...
// Create a url with the warehouse key and product key from the DataGrid row
string url = "ProductDetails.aspx?Warehouse=";
url += ((Label)e.Item.FindControl("Label11")).Text;
url += "&ProductId=" + ((Label)e.Item.FindControl("Label12")).Text;
// Create a features string
string features = "height=320;width=160;left=100;top=50;";
features += "toolbar=no;menubar=no;location=no;status=no;titlebar=no;";
// Create a client-side script to open the window
string script = "<script language=javascript>";
script += "window.showModelessDialog(" + url + ", , " + features + ");";
script += "</script>";
// Write it into output stream for immediate execution
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