mdi-list problem


May 9, 2003
Hello all,

i"ve written an application in visual Studio .Net (visual basic) but encounterd some sort of bug...

Please look into the following:

.net framework 1.1 -> visualbasic
Main-form contains:
Mdi-container property = true
one menu-item contains this code under the click event and launches a mdi-child named Offerte_form:

Dim NewMDIChild As New Offerte_form()
Set the Parent Form of the Child window.
NewMDIChild.MdiParent = Me
Display the new form.

Offerte_form contains:
textbox (just as reference)
one menu item contains:
name: &Windows
MDI-list property = true

Now the following problem arises:
when clicking the &windows when the MDI-Childform is in normal mode (e.g. not fully maximized) the MDI-list is generated properly.
But when i maximize the MDI-Childform and click on &windows agian the fist time it will not show the list. Clicking the second time on the &window will result in the list.

Did i forget something to set or is this a bug in

regards hilmar
MDI-List example

here by the example.

the mdi-childform is normal: no problem... mdilist=ok
the mdi-childform is maximized: problem!!... mdilist=not ok needs 2 clicks to display...

regards hilmar

[edit] Please dont include binaries in attachments - divil [/edit]


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Does Nobody Experienses this kind of behavour?

please reply if this is the case...

regards hilmar
p.s.sorry about the binary in the zip file above.... didnt remove the build dir from the project...
Weird... I actually get a NullReferenceException from somewhere in the framework when I maximize them after Ive already looked at the Windows menu. Im guessing this is a bug you should submit to Microsoft.
I didnt get the NullReference, but I do get the Windows menu problem youre talking about. Its as if the Windows menu "eats" the first click - just doesnt respond.

By the way, it only appears to happen if your child forms have menus. My original sample project didnt have any menus on the child forms. If you take off the main menus from your child forms youll notice the Windows menu working as expected.

Oddly enough, the select and popup events fire on the window marked as the MdiList, it just doesnt show the list. You might be able to do that manually to get around the bug for now.

Ive also noticed that the mdi-list creates a memmory-leak. with or without the menus in the 2 other forms..

i think i will submit this problem to microsoft.. after i did a complete reinstall of XP & .Net & Studio just to be sure its not my config...

regards hilmar
ive also found out by change that the first click on this menu item will result in a click on the menu-item on the right.

problem send to microsoft....