Dock Form Like Office Toolbar


Active member
Jan 30, 2003
Milwaukee, WI
How can I dock a form to the top of the screen so that it is on top and that all other windows and everything else moves out of the way as if it were the start menu. Thanks in advance for your help
Not What I Meant

Sorry, I mean that a seperate application docks on top of the Windows Desktop as if it were another start menu, but on the top. I have seen this done before, I just dont know how to do it.
I dont know of any .net sample code, but Steve from vbAccelerator has code posted in vb6, called appbar class I think, that allows you to register your form as reducing desktop space like you want to do.
Well yes, it does help. There isnt likely to be any sample code that does it so you might have to put in the effort and port it.