Debugging stops on JavaScript when restarting

Ares X

New member
May 21, 2003
Scottsdale, AZ
It seems if Im in the middle of debugging and I click the restart icon in the .NET IDE, the application restarts and then breaks on the first executable JavaScript line. Pressing F5 continues the application. This can be extremely annoying. Any thoughts?
Your Javascript code in aspx file? it breaks on that line? Sorry because I not really understand your problem. There is no problem when you just press F5 to run? (not restart)
Yes, the JavaScript is in the ASPX file. And there is no problem when I press F5. Only when I click the restart button does it do this. It happens to another developer here too. Its always the first line of JavaScript executed, regardless of what it is.
I run into this problem with VS .NET all the time. Even in non-web app projects. It is just a bug (feature?) in the VS IDE. Annoying as all heck. But not detrimental to your project. Simply press F5 again when the debugger stops at your javascript.
