Transparent Background on Controls


New member
May 21, 2003
I have created a stretch handle control that contains a border and the eight handles and am able to display the background transparent successfully.

However, when i resize or move the control, the transparent background is not repainted leaving a trail of old paints (within the new bounds of the control only). I wish to have the background of the control permanently showing what is behind it (ie, transparent). The only way I have achieve this is to make the entire control (or just the background) not visible and then visible again, which cause major flicker. I have also tried to invalidate regions of the control (and the parent) and force repaints but it only appears to repaint correctly (ie, the transparency) when I make it not visible and then visible again.

Please help...

Regards, Richard:confused:
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How are you making the control transparent? Are you overriding the OnPaint event and painting the ClientRectangle with a transparent SolidBrush? new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(0,0,0,0))