Splash Screen


Well-known member
May 8, 2003
In VB6, we had an easy splash screen option.

How do I create one in VB.NET? Is there any similar way? or do we have to create one from scratch?
i see, okok thanx a lot...
wat is this thing called Sub Main()?
wat is a shared Sub Main()? must i put any code into this function?
Sub Main is a sub that will start the program if you set it as the starting sub. You dont need to put anything into it. Some people prefer it because they find it easy to manage instances of forms.
i see, hm.......im still so used to VB6, still trying to get used to the development environment

i need to get certain things right

i need to know wat is a solution?
how that differs from a project?

in the solution explorer they show the link to the assembly file...
do i have to code in this assembly file? do i need it?

wat is a class view?
Solution is how VS.NET keeps track of your projects. If you build some DLL that in your soultion and you windows app uses it VS.NET will automatically include the newly built version.

Do you mean AssebmlyInfo?

Class view just shows how your class is built, what methods it has and things like that.
i see thanx a lot mutant...

yeap assembly info...is that really assembly language?
do i need to touch it? if so, when do i use it?
does it serve any purpose or wat?
AssemblyInfo is just information about the Assembly (project).

It doesnt contain any assembly language as that tends to be very CPU and Architecture specific.

Its purpose is to define things like version numbers, strong names, security etc.

You will need to touch it if you are going to provide stuff like version numbers or a strong name for your assembly