Form question


Well-known member
May 8, 2003
In VB6, to unload a form, we jsut typed

"Unload Me"

What do I type in VB.NET? is there a similar syntax?

Also, wats the difference between a Windows Form and an Inherited Form?

Wats a user control and a user-inherited control?

Inherited Forms Inherit their UI and Code from another Windows Form

Inherited Controls also inherit their functionality from another control.
i see
ok, i know wat a form is

wat about a control? wat is a control, is it a user defined control or wat? is it a component?
I think you should poke around the Help files for awhile. There are some very basic concepts that the help covers very well that would take too long to cover here. You might also search google for "Visual Basic .NET Tutorial" or something similar to find some basic tutorials on the language, forms, inheritence, etc. or pick up a cheap book online, from your local bookstore or my favorite, a library (free!).

If you have specific questions were always glad to help :)

ok, i think i roughly get the stuff, except for a confirmation on the definition of a control...could u explain to me?