New To, and trying to get an Environment set up.


New member
May 27, 2003
Dallas, Texas area
Good day to all!
I have extensive background in web programming, but mostly using PHP and MySQL. This is a very easy environment to setup and maintain on my company laptop. We run Windows XP Pro and IIS, so installing PHP and MySQL is a snap. Currently Im using Dreamweaver MX for my IDE. (Visual is way out of my budget).

Im trying to expand my horizons and want to learn (I already have programmed alot in other languages including ASP 3.0). I took a recent stab at this and just had alot of problems getting a proper environment working on my laptop so I could run examples.

I loaded the following:
1 - .NET framework Redist 1.1
2 - .NET SDK
3 - MS Data access Components 2.7
4 - MS SQL Server Desktop Engine

( Since SQL Server is like $4000, Ill probably be using MySQL or Access for my learning experience). I also have Oracle on my laptop, as that is the database for our software I work with.

When I set this all up, I was able to run the ASP Quick Start tutorials initially. But when I had to reboot my computer, the SQL Server Destop Engine never came back up and I had all kinds of problems. I have since uninstalled everything.

Can someone please give for some direction on what I need to install to have a working environment that I can simply learn with? I dont want to deploy a huge site at this time, just want to learn with the machine I have...WinXP Pro and Dreamweaver.

Well, I dont know what caused MSDE to stop working. Kinda hard to troubleshoot something like that without knowing all the steps taken during installation. Also dont know anything about Dreamweaver.

However, if you cannot afford VS .NET and want to learn more about programming in ASP.NET, you should probable download and install WebMatrix. It is a free IDE that Microsoft has made available for ASP.NET programmers. Currently it does not have IntelliSense. But it is easy to install and use in the creation of ASP.NET pages. Check it out at

Hope this helps and happy coding!


Thanks very much, I will sure try that Web Matrix thing.

Does it seem that I had the right things installed? I thought I read somewhere that you had to have the redist 1.1 framework installed at a minimum in order to get even WebMatrix to work. The SDK I thought was necessary to get Dreamweaver MX to work with, but not 100% sure. Then I just Downloaded the MS Data access Components just in case ..haha.

Perhaps Im asking the run on a laptop??

You are not asking the impossible. I and several of my colleagues all have developed ASP.NET applications on laptops.

To use WebMatrix, it is not required that you have the 1.1 Redist. You can use 1.0 with it. Your list of tools looks well rounded to me. Again, however, I know nothing about Dreamweaver MX. A couple of things to watch out for when you go to re-install everything:

1. Make sure that you install IIS before anything else. If you did not uninstall it along with everything else on your previous attempt, uninstall and do a fresh install.

2. Next, install the .NET Framework, (and/or the SDK) SDK not required with WebMatrix but is handy for all the reference material since WebMatrix doesnt have Intellisense.

3. Install WebMatrix. Download for it is only 1.2mb, so it should be quick and painless.

4. Finally, Install MSDE and any necessary components for MDAC. Instructions for using MSDE with WebMatrix can be found at

If you follow the above steps in the order given, you should have no problem getting up and running and should be well on your way to ASP.NET bliss.

If you ever decide to venture out into the Windows App world of development. I highly recommend the free (and open source!) .NET IDE called SharpDevelop. If you are interested, you can get more information on it at

I hope at least some of this information is helpful. If you still have troubles, post back here with more details about what is happening and I, or others here, will be happy to help. :)

Again, happy coding!!

Gentlemen...thank you very much!! I will try these steps you mentioned. I did NOT uninstall IIS, because my laptop doubles as a demonstration machine for our software and it relies on IIS, so I cant really RE-install it either, so I guess I will have to take my chances that Microsoft did clean UNinstalls of their products. (HA HA should we stop laughing now!!)

Again...thank you all very much for your help!!

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