Tell form where to display? (VB)


Active member
Apr 4, 2002
Tell form where to display?

Hi all, heres my question. I need to make one VB.NET app which has two forms - an admin form which has start/stop buttons on it and a display form which begins counting when "start" is selected and stops counting when "stop" is clicked. Heres the tricky part: I need the app to display the admin form on a computer monitor situated at a desk and the counter needs to display on a different monitor that will be shown to the crowd (picture a debate type situation where each person is being timed in their responses. We want only the admin to see the start/stop but need the actual time to display on a large plasma screen for everyone to see).

My thoughts on how to accomplish this is run one computer with dual video cards in it. My question is, is there a way in VB.NET to tell a form which screen to display on? Or, if VB.NET doesnt differentiate between the two video cards can I somehow set where on the "one big screen" to display each form?

Or is there a simpler way to do this that Im not thinking about? Any help would be much appreciated!

Okay, so I just realized the second part of my question was stupid - all I have to do is set StartPosition=manual and I can start it where ever I want on the screen. Sorry about that.

Still interested in whether VB.NET can determine between video cards so it would be less hacked than if I did the above solution. Thanks!

Check out the Screen class. Using it you can get coordinates of all screens present and display your form on whichever you like.