Datagrid - Adding and updating records


Active member
Mar 20, 2003
I have a database for tasks. Based on the date selected, I retrieve all the related tasks for that date, and then bind the data to a datagrid. This works fine - the appropriate records are displayed for the selected date. However, Im very new at using datagrids, so Im not sure how to add new records, update records, or delete records on the database and reflect the changes on the datagrid. Can anyone help me with how to do this?

Heres how Im binding the data to the datagrid:

DataAdapter.SelectCommand.CommandText = _
"SELECT Task_Date, Task_Description FROM TasksTable2 " & _
"WHERE Task_Date = #" & newDate & "#"

DataAdapter.Fill(DataSet1, "Tasks")
dgdTasks.SetDataBinding(DataSet1, "Tasks")

Thanks, Donna
Thanks everyone, for your responses. Ive now got the adding of new records to work, using the INSERT SQL Statement.

DataAdapter.InsertCommand.CommandText = _
"INSERT INTO TasksTable(Task_Date, Task_Description)" & _
"VALUES (" & SaveDate & "," & _
"" & txtDesc.Text & ")"
Catch exceptionparameter As Exception
End Try

DataAdapter.Fill(DataSet1, "Tasks")
dgdTasks.SetDataBinding(DataSet1, "Tasks")

However, Im not too clear on how to do an update, when a user clicks on an item in the datagrid, and changes it. Also, the key to the record is an autonumber field. How do I get to the current cell info that was changed, update the grid, and also update the record in the database? Any help would really be appreciated.

Thanks, Donna
If you have used the wizard to create the DataAdapter and Dataset, the insert update and delete commands have probably been written for you (expand your Region "Windows form designer generated code" to examine them). Once you have established the binding to the dataset, manipulation of the datagrid will automatically change the dataset. You need only call the update method of the dataadapter to update the source db. i.e. DataAdapter.update(DataSet1) You may also have to call a DataSet1.endedit prior to the update call.
If the insert, update and delete statements are not already written for you, you can use a commandbuilder object to create them (restricted to one table which must have a primary key) or you can write your own and associate them with the appropriate command object.
