My problem is about calling a CVF DLL from VB.Net. This dll involves a user defined data type.
I never had problems with Visual Basic 6.0, but I really dont know how to make all this work with VB.NET.
First of all Ive created a very simple dll which should export a user defined type with various data types (a fixed lenght string, a numeric value and an array along with the number of items stored in it.
I can easily use this DLL in Visual Basic 6 with the following code in a module
and this code in the form
I made some attempts with VB.NET, here is the code I wrote
Everything compiles fine, but when I call my DLL I get this error:
"An unhandled exception of type System.TypeLoadException occurred in Project1.exe"
"Additional information: Can not marshal field myarray of type t_type: This type can not be marshaled as a structure field."
Anyone knows whats wrong???
I never had problems with Visual Basic 6.0, but I really dont know how to make all this work with VB.NET.
First of all Ive created a very simple dll which should export a user defined type with various data types (a fixed lenght string, a numeric value and an array along with the number of items stored in it.
subroutine CVF_VBNET_DLL(myrecord)
! Variables
integer max_npts, i
type t_type
character*(20) mystring
double precision mypar
double precision myarray(max_npts)
integer npts
end type t_type
! I fill up myrecord with some values
! I want VB.NET to read the values of this record
myrecord%mystring="This is mystring"
do i=1,myrecord%npts
end subroutine CVF_VBNET_DLL
I can easily use this DLL in Visual Basic 6 with the following code in a module
Option Explicit
Public Declare Sub CVF_VBNET_DLL Lib "CVF_VBNET_DLL" (myrecord As t_type)
Public Type t_type
mystring As String * 20
myval As Double
myarray(1 To 100) As Double
npts As Long
End Type
and this code in the form
Option Explicit
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim myrecord As t_type
Call CVF_VBNET_DLL(myrecord)
Here I put my code...
End Sub
I made some attempts with VB.NET, here is the code I wrote
Public Declare Sub CVF_VBNET_DLL Lib "CVF_VBNET_DLL" (ByRef myrecord As t_type)
Public Structure t_type
Dim mystring As String
Dim myval as Double
Dim myarray() As Double
Public Sub initialize()
ReDim myarray(99)
End Sub
End Structure
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim myrecord As t_type
Call CVF_VBNET_DLL(myrecord)
Here I put my code...
End Sub
Everything compiles fine, but when I call my DLL I get this error:
"An unhandled exception of type System.TypeLoadException occurred in Project1.exe"
"Additional information: Can not marshal field myarray of type t_type: This type can not be marshaled as a structure field."
Anyone knows whats wrong???