Hello there,
Im really a beginning programmer i have the following question.
i have to make an visual program for school.
the program is called allens woodshop.
I have a listbox filled with a textdocument.
When something in the listbox is checked, there is an option to choose in an numericupdownbox to choose how many woods you want to order, when you press the button add to orderlist, the checked item in the listbox has to change.
7226218; hemlock; 22.55; 0
to 7226218; hemlock; 22.55; 1 (if i order one)
how to do this ?
as you see the textdocument is separated with an ;, and i get the tip to use
dim item(3) as string
item = textline.split(";")
and then ?
Please help, im really stuck at the moment.
best regards.
Bjorn Bats
Im really a beginning programmer i have the following question.
i have to make an visual program for school.
the program is called allens woodshop.
I have a listbox filled with a textdocument.
When something in the listbox is checked, there is an option to choose in an numericupdownbox to choose how many woods you want to order, when you press the button add to orderlist, the checked item in the listbox has to change.
7226218; hemlock; 22.55; 0
to 7226218; hemlock; 22.55; 1 (if i order one)
how to do this ?
as you see the textdocument is separated with an ;, and i get the tip to use
dim item(3) as string
item = textline.split(";")
and then ?
Please help, im really stuck at the moment.
best regards.
Bjorn Bats