AAAKK! Where's the masks @??

The One Who Was

Well-known member
Jun 2, 2003
Manitoba Canada
Ive become somewhat familiar with vb6 over the past years and just recently took up some .net self training. Im just curious, how do you enable masks? I can add the msmask ocx com control, but it doesnt seem to work right when I fill the dataset. Is there another way to format or create masks for text boxes ect?? Any help would be great =)

Thanks all

~The One Who Was~
You shouldnt use the MaskEdit box that was from VB6 as its not a .NET control. You can now validate using Regular Expressions, though it wont provide the hard-coded placement of characters like a mask edit box. If you truly need that type of support, you can find many sample controls (with source) by searching google. Or, you could always buy a 3rd party control with that support.

Im not sure why the mask edit doesnt work now as Im not that familiar with it (havent used it for many years).
