Connecting to Outlook Express Database


New member
Jun 7, 2003
Chicago, Illinois
Greets folks,
Im trying to connect to the Inbox database in Outlook Express using VB.Net. The data adapter wont connect. The Outlook Express message files have extensions of *.dbx. I have no prob connecting to Access databases with *.mdb extensions.

I copied and pasted Inbox.dbx into the same directory as my Project Files and tried to set up the program in the same manner as when manipulating an Access Database.

Is it possible to open, read, and write the database in an Outlook Express *.dbx file using VB.Net?

Thanx a mil for your help,
Doing a quick google search, it looks like the Outlook Express format is custom - meaning there is no .NET provider for reading the file. I saw a few tools that would let you do it, but none offered any data providers to use. If you are so inclined, you could write your own dataprovider to read the file as some of the websites did list the format of the data. Youd have to have a lot of patience and time to parse through a file manually though... as a warning :)
