
Well-known member
Nov 26, 2002
Fresno, California
Im wanting to try useing MySQL as a database for an app and Im wondering what to use to connect to it. I havent started yet but, Id like to have at least a general idea of how before I go through getting, installing and settting up MySQL. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Hey thanks. Ill look into it. Just off hand, do you (or anyone for that matter...) think that MySQL would be a better option than the MSDE that ships with VS .NET? Mainly, Im just interested in useing the best free DB.
Im using for a disconnected mode the mysqldirect driver from corelab.

works almost the same as the SQLdriver for ms sql.

regards git
Originally posted by git
Im using for a disconnected mode the mysqldirect driver from corelab.

works almost the same as the SQLdriver for ms sql.

Can you give more information about it? because I am also using mySQL, I am interesting with it

Back to the MSDE for a sec...

Does the MSDE need to be installed on the target PCs (users computer) to work or will it just need the runtime files to handle it?

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