Passing Variable To CSS


May 23, 2003
ASP.NET...Code Beneath VB
I have a dynamically generated checkbox list, I wanna make sure that a minimum of items have been selected to enable a button
I did CSS
CheckBoxlist1.Attributes.Add("onclick", "EnableButtton(Min)")

<script language="vbs">
Mycounter = 0
Function EanbleButton(minimum)
Mycounter = mycounter +1
If mycounter >= minimum then
Document.Form1.btnSave.disabled = false
End if
End function
the thing is, no matter what the passed variable to the CSS is always 0 no matter what!, when I pass
Passing Variable To CSS? you mean script, not CSS right?

"Passed variable to the CSS is always 0 no matter what!, when I pass it as an integer it works"? not really understand...
Im guessing youre refering to Client Side Script ? Because CSS usually stands for Cascading Style Sheets.
well, yur right i did mean Client side script. and im still having problems with it,.. i tried using a "hidden lable" and giving it the value i want,then using it in the ClintSideScript as following

// also tried it with ("labelx").id , giving the id the value i wanted

it gives me a run time error, object required (document.getelementById("lablex").value)...

i would really appreciate the help

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