Hi There,
Probably an extremely simple answer to what should be an easy question, but this has me stumped.
I have a multiple-form windows-based application written in vb.net. The forms are designed within visual studio, so are already created.
I know how to open one form from another; however, how do i access the public variables from form2 that i have created within form1?
When i do something like...
dim blah = form1.
the intellisense only comes up with the members relating to the windows.forms class, but no objects within the form1 class.
How on earth do i declare form1 so that i can access the public variables within it from form2?
A quick response will be much appreciated.
Probably an extremely simple answer to what should be an easy question, but this has me stumped.
I have a multiple-form windows-based application written in vb.net. The forms are designed within visual studio, so are already created.
I know how to open one form from another; however, how do i access the public variables from form2 that i have created within form1?
When i do something like...
dim blah = form1.
the intellisense only comes up with the members relating to the windows.forms class, but no objects within the form1 class.
How on earth do i declare form1 so that i can access the public variables within it from form2?
A quick response will be much appreciated.