trying to use nextResult() to query multiple tables


Mar 13, 2003
Im trying to display three groups of headlines. Each group comes from a different table in the DB. I thought using the nextResult() method might be a good approach, but I cant get it to work. The page loads without any errors, but none of the data is being displayed. Can anyone see what Im doing wrong here, or recommend a better way to do this?

Heres the code:

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>

<%@ Register TagPrefix="IAR" TagName="Header" Src="_Headerhome.ascx" %>

<%@ Register TagPrefix="IAR" TagName="Footer" Src="_footer.ascx" %>

<%@ import Namespace="System.Data" %>

<%@ import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>

<%@ import Namespace="System.Web.UI.WebControls" %>

<%@ import Namespace="System.Configuration" %>

<script runat="server">

  Public Class ManyResults : Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

    Protected rptrWhatsNew As HyperLink

    Protected rptrLegal As HyperLink

    Protected rptrEvents As HyperLink


	Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

       Dim objConn As SqlConnection

       Dim objCmd As SqlCommand

       Dim dataReader As SqlDataReader

       Dim strSql As String

       objConn = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("ConnectionString"))

       strSql = _

         "SELECT TOP 3 Left(Title, 27) AS Title, url, id FROM whatsNew ORDER BY id DESC;" _

		& "SELECT TOP 3 Left(Title, 27) AS Title, id, CatID FROM legalAffairs WHERE CatID = 1 ORDER BY id DESC;" _

		& "SELECT TOP 3 Left(Event, 27) AS Event, id FROM events ORDER BY id DESC;"

       objCmd = New SqlCommand(strSql, objConn)



         dataReader = objCmd.ExecuteReader()

         Whats New

         With rptrWhatsNew

           .NavigateUrl = "url"

           .text = "Title"

         End With

         Legal Headlines


         With rptrLegal

           .text = "Title"

         End With

         Upcoming Events


         With rptrEvents

           .text = "Event"

         End With


       Catch exc As Exception



         If Not dataReader Is Nothing Then


         End If

         objCmd = Nothing

         If objConn.State = ConnectionState.Open Then


         End If


       End Try

     End Sub

  End Class




    <title>Indiana Association of REALTORS - Members Area</title>


<body bgcolor="#ffffff" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0">

<form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server">



     <td bgcolor="#EEEEEE" align="right">Whats New:</td>

     <td><asp:HyperLink runat="server" ID="rptrWhatsNew" NAME="rptrWhatsNew" /></td>



     <td bgcolor="#EEEEEE" align="right">Legal Headlines:</td>

     <td><asp:HyperLink NavigateUrl=legal/legalDetail.aspx?id=1 runat="server" ID="rptrLegal" NAME="rptrLegal" /></td>



     <td bgcolor="#EEEEEE" align="right">Upcoming Events:</td>

     <td><asp:HyperLink NavigateUrl=association/events/ runat="server" ID="rptrEvents" NAME="rptrEvents" /></td>






Im sure youre not blind...I just dont know what Im doing. So how do I set up the "databinding" between the datareader and hyperlinks? I know how to do that normally, but I was under the impression that when using the nextResult method, a different approach was necessary.

Any ideas?
Youve opened dataReader but to read data you have to use Read method and Item property. You can do it in your code or in html page <%# this.dataReader["MyField"].ToString() %>