Newbie Inputbox & Textbox Question


New member
Jun 9, 2003
Hey guys, Im trying to learn visual on my own for a school project Im doing. Ive been reading some online tutorials but cant find an example of this. What Im trying to do is make a very simple user interface. Here is one of the functions I need to do that I cant figure out:

I have two text boxes, Box A and Box B. Under the boxes I have two buttons, Button A and Button B. I want to click on Button A, open an Input Box, enter a value, and have that value passed and displayed to Text Box A. So far I have the input box working fine and able to store the variable. How do I display this variable in the Text Box? Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Use this:
textboxname.Text = InputBox("whatever you have here")
You said you make a simple interface, but when you get into more complicated stuff dont use InputBoxes, they are old, not part of the .NET framework and look ugly :)