What File to upload of a Asp.Net Project

Faceless Master

Well-known member
Feb 11, 2003
I m new with asp.net! my question is that when i make a simple page in asp.net and buid the solution what files of project i have to upload ? (I upload Files in bin directory and .aspx file but its not working)
What is your error message? It should work because you only need to upload dll file, which in bin directory, and .aspx file...

Did You set the directory in web server as "Application" and upload your configuration files?
If you look at the associated .vb file (WebForm1.aspx.vb) there should be a line near the top that reads

public Class what do you have here?
Inherits and here?
I knw;But i aint inheriting anything
Just tell me the fiules to upload with aspx file ;rest i shall try to fighure out
Did You set the directory in web server as "Application"? I encounter the similar problem when I did not set as "Application"
1. Open your "Internet Informationn Services" under Start -> Program -> Administrative Tools
2. Under "Web Sites"/"Default Web Site" path, find your application folder
3. Right click your application folder and select "Properties"
4. In the "Directory" tab, press the "Create" button in Application name portion

Is that clear?
Sorry, I forget....

You have to do that in your web server, so if it is not your web server (host by third party), then you need to ask them to set for you.

Normally they will set your root directory as "Application". You need to ask them to remove that, and set your application folder as "Application" (which is under root directory)

P/S: This is what I did last time when using third party hosting. I not sure are there any other way, because last time I faced this problem, I send many emails to them during investigation. Because there is not our server, so everything I need to ask them do for me.