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Has anyone got this to work?
I have a UI editor class defined thus:-
And the component that this is supposed to edit is thus...
But in Visual Studio when I bring up the properties for the component, no custom UI editor is shown. Any ideas?
I have a UI editor class defined thus:-
Public Class HotkeyUIEditor
Inherits UITypeEditor
Public Overloads Function GetEditStyle() As UITypeEditorEditStyle
\\ The hotkeys are listed in a dropdown list
Return UITypeEditorEditStyle.DropDown
End Function
<System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name:="FullTrust")> _
Public Overloads Overrides Function EditValue(ByVal context As System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, ByVal provider As System.IServiceProvider, ByVal value As Object) As Object
\\ Return the value if the value is not of type Keys...
If Not value.GetType() Is GetType(Keys) Then
Return value
End If
Uses the IWindowsFormsEditorService to display a
drop-down UI in the Properties window.
Dim edSvc As IWindowsFormsEditorService = CType(provider.GetService(GetType(IWindowsFormsEditorService)), IWindowsFormsEditorService)
If Not (edSvc Is Nothing) Then
Display an angle selection control and retrieve the value.
Dim kbdControl As New KeyboardControl(CType(value, Keys))
Return the value in the appropraite data format.
Return kbdControl.SelectedKey
End If
Return value
End Function
End Class
And the component that this is supposed to edit is thus...
<ToolboxBitmap(GetType(SystemWideHotkeyComponent), "toolboximage")> _
Public Class SystemWideHotkeyComponent
Inherits Component
-- stuff
<DefaultValue(Keys.A), _
Editor(GetType(HotkeyUIEditor), _
GetType(UITypeEditor))> _
Public Property HotKey() As Keys
Return mHotkey
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Keys)
If Value = Keys.F12 Then
Throw New ArgumentException("The F12 key is reserved for the use of the system debugger")
ElseIf Value = Keys.Alt Then
Throw New ArgumentException("The ALT key can only be used as a modifier - set .AltKey=True ")
ElseIf Value = Keys.Shift Then
Throw New ArgumentException("The SHIFT key can only be used as a modifier - set .AltKey=True ")
ElseIf Value = Keys.Control Then
Throw New ArgumentException("The CONTROL key can only be used as a modifier - set .AltKey=True ")
If Value <> mHotkey Then
mHotkey = Value
Call StartHotkeyWatch()
End If
End If
End Set
End Property
End Class
But in Visual Studio when I bring up the properties for the component, no custom UI editor is shown. Any ideas?