I tried fetching a part of data from the database and tried to update it using thread, it is not working as I expected.
The result I got in the browser is as follows:
The Main() thread calls this after starting the new InstanceCaller threads.
Inside InstanceMethod
SQL 1 : SELECT temp_id, temp_senddate FROM temp_mails WHERE company_id = 1 AND temp_send = N
It is not moving ahead and displaying(details which has to bee displayed):
sTempID : 1
sTempID : 2
sTempID : 3
End of function
Below is the snapshot of my code:
Where I am doing wrong.
NOTE: I commented the thread part and just called the function InstanceMethod(), it worked fine.
Please help me.
I tried fetching a part of data from the database and tried to update it using thread, it is not working as I expected.
The result I got in the browser is as follows:
The Main() thread calls this after starting the new InstanceCaller threads.
Inside InstanceMethod
SQL 1 : SELECT temp_id, temp_senddate FROM temp_mails WHERE company_id = 1 AND temp_send = N
It is not moving ahead and displaying(details which has to bee displayed):
sTempID : 1
sTempID : 2
sTempID : 3
End of function
Below is the snapshot of my code:
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.SessionState;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Threading;
namespace nnews2
public class nThread1 : System.Web.UI.Page
public SqlConnection objConnection;
string strConn = "server=(local)\\netsdk;database=Test;Trusted_Connection=yes";
string sTempID = "";
string sSql = "";
string sSQLCommand = "";
int iCount = 0;
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
objConnection = new SqlConnection(strConn);
Thread InstanceCaller = new Thread(new ThreadStart(InstanceMethod));
Response.Write("The Main() thread calls this after starting the new InstanceCaller threads.<BR>");
InstanceCaller.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;
public void InstanceMethod()
Response.Write ("Inside InstanceMethod <BR>");
SqlDataAdapter objTempDA = new SqlDataAdapter();
sSql = "SELECT temp_id, temp_senddate FROM temp_mails ";
sSql += "WHERE company_id = 1 AND temp_send = N";
Response.Write ("SQL 1 : " + sSql + "<BR>");
SqlDataAdapter objDA = new SqlDataAdapter(sSql, objConnection);
DataSet objDS = new DataSet();
objDA.Fill (objDS, "temp_mails");
DataTable objDT = objDS.Tables[0];
Response.Write ("RECORDCOUNT 1 : " + objDT.Rows.Count + "<BR>");
if (objDT.Rows.Count > 0)
foreach (DataRow objDR in objDT.Rows)
sTempID = objDR["temp_id"].ToString();
sSQLCommand = "UPDATE temp_mails set temp_send=Y WHERE company_id=1 AND temp_id = " + sTempID + "";
objTempDA.UpdateCommand = new SqlCommand(sSQLCommand, objConnection);
Response.Write ("sTempID : " + sTempID + "<BR>");
Response.Write ("End of function<BR>");
Where I am doing wrong.
NOTE: I commented the thread part and just called the function InstanceMethod(), it worked fine.
Please help me.
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