Dim formmain as Form some variable to hold the instance
pass in the form instance
Public Sub New(byval mainform as form1) get the variable that
contains the forms instance
formmain = mainform get the instance to a variable that
can be used in this throughout this class
End Sub
in some other sub
public sub DoSomething()
formmain.sometextbox.text = "some text" use the variable with
that instance to access the textbox on the form.
end sub
public string SomeText {
get {
return Textbox1.Text;
set {
Textbox1.Text = value;
MainForm.SomeText = "Hello there.";
string str = MainForm.SomeText;
Console.Writeline(str + "-" + MainForm.SomeText);
dim mainframe as mainframe
private sub button1_click(byval sender as system.object,byval e as system.eventargs)hangles button1.click
mainframe.text1.text = "HY"
end sub