Memory rising...


Jan 20, 2003

i have a huge Projekt, called DataNet in VB.NET.

This Programm reads XML Files, checking key fields, do conversions and other important procedures and saving it (when everything is ok) to sqldb.
When i start this application, its begin to process over 5000 XML files, its start with ~32 MB Memory ussage. After 50-70 XMLs it eats 34 MB of Memory, After this 5000 XMLs its at 100 MB Memory.
I call gc.collect() often, i dispose objects, i set vars/objects to nothing... but the memory ussage is still rising.

Any ideas?

Dont bother with GC.Collect(), The GC will make more memmory when you run something else. A .Net app can take up to about 80% of Ram + Pageing File before GC runs.
The GC will run only when it needs to. If youve got 512mb of ram on your system and your .NET app is only eating 100mb, then theres no reason for it to do any clean up as youve probably got plenty of ram left over.
On computers with small amount of RAM GC works often freeing memory for other apps, but on a computer with enough memory to spare GC will only run when you need the memory for other apps, this problem has been posted all around internet. There is no use to call GC.Collect().