How do I declare and call the EditState method properly?

Lan Solo

May 28, 2003
Alameda, CA
I am trying to call the editstate method in order to enable a record from a dataset for editing. I am not sure how to declare it, but VB STudio does not seem to like my syntax. Here is what I coded:

Private Sub mmuEditEdit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mmuEditEdit.Click

        Call EditState(cblnEditing)

    End Sub

I get the squiggly lines under EditState and cblnEditing in the code editor and it states that neither is declared.

It is described in the text I am trying to follow. It is supposed to be (I think) a statement in a sub that puts a record pulled from a database in a state that is editable. However the book is very vague as to how to use/code this method.
i did a search on msdn for EditState , this was the result
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i bet EditState is a function of an object / referenced item.
Dim Obj as New MyClass()

With Obj
    .Add( "my text")
    .EditState = False // maybe its something like this.
End With