Debugging in .Net


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2002
Austin, TX
Im kind of a newbie with .NET, so this may seem like a dumb question. My problem is that in VB 6, you could actually edit code during debugging. In .NET, it seems everything is read-only. Am I missing something here? I hate having to stop and restart my app everytime a bug comes up (usually from dumb mistakes). Any help would be appreciated.
Its read only becuase it has to compile the program again when you restart the dubugging, you cant just start an exe and edit it during runtime :).
Edit and continue is (apparently) a high priority for MS with .NET and we might well see it in the next major release of VS.NET.
Edit and Continue is only available in C++ (thats whta Microsoft says), but I dont think they wil release something for VB soon