Creating report?


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2002
Richmond, VA
Im trying to create a report directly in Visual Basic.Net, and Im not sure what component to use. In VB 6 I used text boxes for this type of thing since it was very easy to size them however big or small I wanted and formatting the data within them was a snap. However, in VB.NET I cant figure out how to set the height of the text box. Even changing the windows generated code doesnt do the trick. Am I stuck with a height of 20px?

A list box could work as its easy to resize, though I dont know if theres a way to get more than one item on each line. Is there any formatting code in VB.NET like there is in C++? A \n or anything for hard returns?

Great, thanks for your help. I just have one more question: How do I insert a newline? I just need to know how to insert a hard return. The example I found in the VB.NET help was a bit looked like an awful lot of work just to do this.