Risks of company Migrating from ASP to ASP.NET?


New member
Jun 19, 2003
I have been reading a book on ASP.NET in preparation for work, but today I learned of my companys fear of migrating to .NET. They are worried that installing the .NET framework on the web server machine could pose potential backwards incompatibility with what we currently have. In other words, the company hesitates to upgrade to .NET because they think our current ASP pages might stop working. Therefore, I am in search of stories of companies experience migrating from ASP to ASP.NET. Did anyone experience backwards incompability? Is it a legitimate concern? Any input would be appreciated.
ASP and ASP.NET are kept totally seperate, and have nothing to do with each other. Microsoft thought ahead for this which is why ASP.NET pages are page.aspx and not page.asp.

If theyre still worried about it then install them both on a test machine along with their current ASP scripts just to make sure.
I would definitely go with Wyrd. Test them on a machine having a similar internal environment.

As far it goes for us we didnt have any problem whatsoever. Its working pretty fine.

As the gentlemen have stated above there should be no problem whatsoever. ASP.NET uses separate ISAPI Extensions than ASP. ASP maps to asp.dll while ASP.NET maps to aspnet_isapi.dll. As a result there is absolutely no interaction between the two, unless specifically configured by the developer.
thank you all. I thought it was pretty weak for the company to not let me use ASP.NET for this concern, but you never know.