Limit Dates picked in date/time picker


Jun 16, 2003
Is there a way to limit the dates a user can select from a date/time picker? Or is there a good way to populate a dropdown list of dates they can pick from?

The background is that I am constructing a timesheet of sorts and want them to only be able to pick from the 1st or 16th of every month (as those dates coincide with the beginning of a new time period) so that i can generate a table for the 15 days following the date they pick. Which actually brings up another issue - if they pick the 16th, how can i account for months with 31 days without having the 16th date generated be the 1st of the next month?

Thanks in advance for any help!!
Im guessing that youre using Win Forms.

I dont think that you can display a partial month in the calendar. However, when the user clicks on a date outside your range then either discard it or alert them.