I have got the function working, but I cannot get the RichTextBox to actually scroll to the of the scrollbar. If I click on the scrollbar it scrolls to the value, but only if I click on it.... can anyone think of a solution?
Dim s As String,Value, Min, Max, temp As Integer
GetScrollRange(rtbData.Handle, ScrollBarFlags.SBS_VERT, Min, Max)
Value = GetScrollPos(rtbData.Handle, ScrollBarFlags.SBS_VERT)
If Max - Value = rtbData.Height Or Max - Value = rtbData.Height - 1 Or Max - Value = 0 Then
rtbData.SelectionStart = rtbData.TextLength
rtbData.SelectedRtf = s
rtbData.SelectionStart = rtbData.TextLength
temp = rtbData.SelectionStart
rtbData.SelectionStart = rtbData.TextLength
rtbData.SelectedRtf = s
rtbData.SelectionStart = temp
SetScrollPos(rtbData.Handle, ScrollBarFlags.SBS_VERT, Value, True)
End If
This code scrolls the scrollbar if it is at the max value, if not, it does not scroll.
Look at the chat windows in AIM and mIRC to see at what Im trying to accomplish.