Can I expect this to happen??


Jun 14, 2003
Hi Frenz!!

I have this question in deployment. The IIS is installed in my C:\ and refers \inetpub\wwwroot in my c:\ .
If I had created a web project in my IDE say with this path --> C:\inetpub\wwwroot\WebFolder1\ChildFolder1\WebProject.csproj
, and then deploy it in the target machine with the virtual directory(in the Properties of the Setup Project ) as "WebFolder1\ChildFolder1".

Take the case that my target machine is having its IIS installed in the D:\ and refers to d:\inetpub\wwwroot , Can I expect my deployment to go down well with this kinda config??? Or will it bomb ?? I am asking you this absurd or brilliant question ;-) because I really dont have the environment to test this.

Also I want to know the case of my deployment being done on a Share ( say like F$ ) in the target machine.

Will this also raise up issues of Trust Relationship in case oif shares?

"Life grows when shared".
As long as the references and paths are virtual like.. http://localhost/WebFolder1/... it will work. The IIS on the new machine needs to do some configuring as well if they want the wwwroot to be on D.

Either way as long as you dont do something like this... C:\inetpub\wwwroot\webfolder1\... in your code.
Hi Robby!
Thanx for the reply. What abt the installation on the Shares in the target machine? Can you throw some light on that?

I think the scenario would be the IIS installed in the Share of the target machine and not directly in the target mahcine.
