Thread Titles and Incorrect Replies

Derek Stone

Exalted One
Nov 17, 2002
Rhode Island
User Rank
Im sick and tired of seeing thread titles such as "please, PLEASE read", "Im an invalid so help me now!" or simply "help". Titles like these add nothing to the community, and they make searching for answers more difficult than it has to be. Threads with titles such as these should just be deleted.

Also, after reading Pauls thread Id like to bring the same such guideline here for an open discussion. While Im certain no one would bother to read such a guideline (nor does it matter if they didnt) it would justify any action by a moderator to remove incorrect or misleading content.
I agree that some titles are very misleading but I dont think they should be deleted, I think the Recycle Bin at EXVBF does this kind of job very well. Maybe that will "promote" better titles :).
:D :)

An addition to the guidelines regardling descriptive topic titles would be welcome (there isnt already one is there? Its been too long since Ive read them! :D), as well as a simple notice in bold read letters directly above the Subject line in the New Thread page stating

Please make your topic title clearly state the subject of the question, and preferably, the language in which you would like assistance.

BTW, I also agree with mutant about deletions being overkill (unless someone continually refuses to comply at which point a suspension or similar punishment would be fitting).
Agreed, misleading titles or the notorious "Help me, PLEASE!!!" are annoying.

But I fear that implementing the proposed guidelines will quickly produce even more annoying effects.

First, some people really have no idea where to post their problem or how to describe it properly. I can recall a few cases where the poster was totally off track regarding the real problem behind the perceived problem.

Second, each deleted post will consequently lead to 1 to 10 new replies by the original poster, decrying bad manners, unfair treatment, this elitist community or his own good will.

The admins work will not be easier.

So, I am all *for* taking this into the guidlines.
I am all for deleting posts of "serial offenders"
I am against a strict and string interpretation, though.