Create dll


Active member
Jun 6, 2003
I must create an application dividing the project in dll.
But i dont know as to do.
In internet i dont find nothing.
Have u some example or site where i can search dll?

Just create a project of type Class Library, define your classes, then build. When you build the project, your output will be a DLL. In another project, you can use the types you created in your DLL by adding a reference to the DLL.
For example i must open a form "xxx" that i saved as dll,
What code must i write for call dll and open this form?
Assuming you have the proper references set to your dll, you can instantiate form "xxx" by:

Dim f1 As New xxx()
You dont save the form as a dll file. In the class library project, add a form, modify its definition as needed, then build the project. The output will be the dll. Your form is thus a type w/in the dll. In another project, add a reference to the compiled dll so you can use the form as demonstrated above.