Want Tab Control to Stay off Labels


Active member
Mar 27, 2003
Burlington, VT, USA
Theres probably an easy way to avoid this but it evades me.

When I hit the Tab key in succession I want my cursor to move to text boxes back and forth between frames (my text boxes are placed within two separate frames on the form).

My problem is twofold:
1-First, cursor movement seems to have to exhaust all tabstops in one frame before the cursor will jump to the next frame regardless of the Tabindex I have set (I have tabindex sequence set from text boxes in one frame to the other frame and back again).

2-Second, my cursor movement goes to labels as well as text boxes... I dont want to stop at labels, but labels dont show a Tabstop property I can set to false.

Any suggestions?
Quotes from vs help files:

"Because the Label control cannot receive the focus, ....."


"Note: Controls that cannot get the focus, as well as disabled and invisible controls, dont have a TabIndex property and are not included in the tab order. As a user presses the TAB key, these controls are skipped."