DirectDraw with DirectX9


May 20, 2003
Does anyone use DirectDraw with DirectX9?
I want to make a simple 2d game using VB.NET+DX9 (not a complicated 3d project), but there is nothing on the internet to start. I wonder, no one uses DX9 for 2d or they dont bother to write a tutorial?
Can anyone help me? Where shall I find something relative? I want to learn DX9 for VB.NET and I cant find a place to start. (The only thing on the internet is a tutorial in, but is more 3d oriented and complicated for my level).
I have written a simple tutorial on setting up the device and setting up the primary and backbuffer surface and then filling it with color and flipping it. I hope it can help you :). (beware, it might contain typos as i just uploaded it :) )

[edit]The site seems to be down now[/edit]
[edit]Seems to be up now[/edit]
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Hey mutant you are my favorite! Thats exactly what I was looking for. Now, if you could write something about how to implement a tile-map using DX9 you would be fantastic. I hope you will continue your good work.

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