Deploying issues


Well-known member
Apr 2, 2003
I have my project all running nicely on my local machine now.
So its time to deploy to my web server on the network. But im having some real issues here.......

Im doing Project\copy project.

I navigate to Inetpub\wwwroot\ on my W2000K server and press ok.
It then sends an error saying "You must enter a valid destination URL to copy the project"

I thought it may be rights to folders on the server but I have shared the inetpub folder and the wwwroot folder by giving my logon name access to them. I have given them full control and read write acess.

Any ideas what this might be?

My book says rights but im not so sure.
Do you want to develop while its on the server or just run/execute it?
If the former, you need Frontpage extensions.