does any one know how to save from components declared in functions or sub routine in my case its a richtext which is declared in the function and only know to that function and placed in to document manager which i got from divil.co.uk/net
heres the syntax i used to declare it
i want to know how to save from that but it is only known locally to the sub newdoc()
i also would like to to know how to change the fonts and in the box but but i ill work that out once i find out how to access the richtext box from out side the sub
if anyone can help ill be chuffed
heres the syntax i used to declare it
Private Sub newdoc()
Dim rtbText As New RichTextBox
rtbText.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None
rtbText.ScrollBars = RichTextBoxScrollBars.Vertical
rtbText.WordWrap = True
rtbText.Multiline = True
rtbtext.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Vertical
Dim doc As New Document(rtb, "New Document")
End Sub
i want to know how to save from that but it is only known locally to the sub newdoc()
i also would like to to know how to change the fonts and in the box but but i ill work that out once i find out how to access the richtext box from out side the sub
if anyone can help ill be chuffed