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Hello people of the metal box on my computer.
I am creating a application that will easily allow me to create skins for my future applications. Well in this application, there is a feature that allows you to preview your progress, creating a window and drawing the skin to the window from the paint event.
Well now to the nitty gritty, I need to set the created windows ControlStyles:
When I try to do it from my skin drawing procedure it wont compile due to the "SetStyle" function being protected. So what I was wondering is there another way of setting the ControlStyles?
I am creating a application that will easily allow me to create skins for my future applications. Well in this application, there is a feature that allows you to preview your progress, creating a window and drawing the skin to the window from the paint event.
Well now to the nitty gritty, I need to set the created windows ControlStyles:
Window.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, True)
Window.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, True)
Window.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, True)
When I try to do it from my skin drawing procedure it wont compile due to the "SetStyle" function being protected. So what I was wondering is there another way of setting the ControlStyles?