VB.Net Standard Edition Problem


New member
Mar 4, 2003
Nice forum here guys :)
just a quick question, i tried to import some old vb6 code i have into vb.net and i got this error message

visual basic 6.0 migration is not supported with this edition of visual studio

my question is, can i get around this error somehow and migrate my old code?

you would be much better re-writing the code to vb.net rather than importing vb6 in to .net / using the vb6 to .net upgrade wizard.
most people on here would probably agree that upgrading vb6 code to vb.net using the upgrade wizard is bad pratice. also it looks a lot cleaner when using the correct vb.net coding:) , is the vb6 stuff you want to import something which isnt easy to use in .net format? maybe we could help to get the code in to the correct format:)
ok thanks m8
its nothing important, its just that i have only bought vb.net and i was interested to see what the wizard would do.

but im still wondering why i get the error message :confused:
Originally posted by Floyd

but im still wondering why i get the error message :confused:

Becuase upgrade wizard is not supported in the Standard version :), you need VS.NET pro at least. But as dynamic_sysop says, its not worth using.