Simple said I have two programs. One is a EXE and the other is an addin for Word.
If the EXE is called, it starts word and uses functions etc. of the addin.
Maybe some code may help
This is the EXE
And this is the addin
It seems to work, but only on fast computers. I think waiting for the end of the thread started within the addin makes the whole program very slow. I tried a endless loop and thread.join to wait for the end; no difference.
Any idea? I read a lot of monitor and mutex etc. but nothing helps.
If the EXE is called, it starts word and uses functions etc. of the addin.
Maybe some code may help
This is the EXE
Call mAddin.Object.DokumentDazu2(...)
mAddin.Object.udtExternCalls.item(GetCurrentProcessID).objExternCall = CType(Me.objExternCall, ExternCall)
blnAddinCallEnd = False
blnAddinCallError = False
blnAddinCallEnd = WaitForProcessCallEnd(blnAddinCallError)
blnAddinCallEnd = True md070503
And this is the addin
Public Function DokumentDazu2(....) As String
Dim strDatei As String
Dim udtExternCall As ExternCall
udtExternCall = Me.udtExternCalls.Item(intID)
If Not udtExternCall Is Nothing Then
udtExternCall.blnInParameter = blnVorlageGegeben
udtExternCall.strInParameter = strNewBlobKey
udtExternCall.intInParameter = intDruckAnzahl
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ApartmentState = System.Threading.ApartmentState.STA
udtExternCall.objThread = New Threading.Thread(AddressOf DokumentDazuSTA)
udtExternCall.objThread.ApartmentState = System.Threading.ApartmentState.STA
udtExternCall.objThread.Name = CStr(intID)
udtExternCall.objThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal
End If
End Try
Return strDatei
End Function
Public Sub DokumentDazuSTA()
Dim strDatei As String
Dim udtExternCall As ExternCall
Dim strThreadName As String
Call blnCheckApartmentState()
strThreadName = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.Name
udtExternCall = Me.udtExternCalls.Item(CInt(strThreadName))
objThread = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread
If Not udtExternCall Is Nothing Then
strDatei = mudtSchnittstelle.DokumentDazu(Me, udtExternCall.blnInParameter, udtExternCall.strInParameter, udtExternCall.intInParameter)
udtExternCall.strOutParameter = strDatei
udtExternCall.strOutParameter2 = udtExternCall.strInParameter
udtExternCall.intIDEnd = CInt(strThreadName)
udtExternCall.blnWordQuit = objIBS_INIT.udtExternCalls.blnWordQuit
If Not udtExternCall.objExternCall Is Nothing Then
udtExternCall.objExternCall.strOutParameter = udtExternCall.strOutParameter
udtExternCall.objExternCall.strOutParameter2 = udtExternCall.strOutParameter2
udtExternCall.objExternCall.blnWordQuit = udtExternCall.blnWordQuit
udtExternCall.objExternCall.intIDEnd = udtExternCall.intIDEnd
End If
End If
End Try
End Sub
It seems to work, but only on fast computers. I think waiting for the end of the thread started within the addin makes the whole program very slow. I tried a endless loop and thread.join to wait for the end; no difference.
Any idea? I read a lot of monitor and mutex etc. but nothing helps.