Hi There,
Is there a way of using the datagrids deletecommand public event in a windows.forms application, or can this only be used in an aspx application?
I really need to define my own method when the delete button is pressed within the datagrid, but i cant get anything to go to it.
I have made the datagridtextboxcolumns accept the return from the form (Ie, colstyle1.textbox.acceptsreturn = false). Im not sure if this will make a difference to the following, but its annoying...
I have tried the following:
sub dgBP_KeyPress(byval sender as object, byval e as windows.forms.keypresseventargs) handles dgBP.keypress
MsgBox("A Key has been pressed...")
But, the problem is, that this sub is NEVER reached??!!
Please offer some advice on how i can access the event when the delete button is pressed within the datagrid on my windows.form
Is there a way of using the datagrids deletecommand public event in a windows.forms application, or can this only be used in an aspx application?
I really need to define my own method when the delete button is pressed within the datagrid, but i cant get anything to go to it.
I have made the datagridtextboxcolumns accept the return from the form (Ie, colstyle1.textbox.acceptsreturn = false). Im not sure if this will make a difference to the following, but its annoying...
I have tried the following:
sub dgBP_KeyPress(byval sender as object, byval e as windows.forms.keypresseventargs) handles dgBP.keypress
MsgBox("A Key has been pressed...")
But, the problem is, that this sub is NEVER reached??!!
Please offer some advice on how i can access the event when the delete button is pressed within the datagrid on my windows.form