Quicken form/interface


Active member
Jul 11, 2003
Anyone have any suggestions on how to create a Quicken-like checkbook register-style form or interface?

I have been researching and reading on the DataGrid control but it seems exceptionally difficult to make "pretty" and I really dont need anything quite so complex. I want to pull records from a database and have them displayed in my "checkbook register" form.

An additional problem with the DataGrid control is that I cannot (read - Dont know how...) put information from one record in more than one row, again as in the case of a checkbook register.

I would like something like the following:

Field 1|Field 2 |Field 3|Field 4|
Field 5|Field 6|Field 7 |

Then "next record" all the way down the form.

I hope this makes sense. If anyone can point me to a better control or the specific attributes of the DataGrid control that I am ignorant to which might help I would be grateful.
If you need something simple, try the listview control and use multiple columns. However, if you need something "pretty", Id recommend something more complex/customizable, like the Janus Grid (available at www.janusys.com).