I am using Master-details type of grid , which i presume you must be aware of,now here is what I want to know if possible....
I fill the master datagrid with data, then when i click on any one row in master datagrid the details datagrid is filled, here it works fine with one datakeys "ORDERID"
I can fetch the datakeys Orderid as follows:
Dim strFilter As String = CStr(dtgMaster.DataKeys(dtgMaster.SelectedIndex)).Replace("", "")
then use the strfilter in the sql statment.
Dim strQuery As String = "select OrderID, ProductID, Quantity, UnitPrice " & _
"From [Order Details] Where OrderID = " & strFilter & ""
-------Till here it works fine with one datakey field "ORDERID"---
Now what if i wanted to get more than one value of datakeyfield which for example is the (date , time and userid)
how could i get the values , now if i could get the values making the sql statement wont be difficult.
Thanks in advance My friend
Best Regards
I am using Master-details type of grid , which i presume you must be aware of,now here is what I want to know if possible....
I fill the master datagrid with data, then when i click on any one row in master datagrid the details datagrid is filled, here it works fine with one datakeys "ORDERID"
I can fetch the datakeys Orderid as follows:
Dim strFilter As String = CStr(dtgMaster.DataKeys(dtgMaster.SelectedIndex)).Replace("", "")
then use the strfilter in the sql statment.
Dim strQuery As String = "select OrderID, ProductID, Quantity, UnitPrice " & _
"From [Order Details] Where OrderID = " & strFilter & ""
-------Till here it works fine with one datakey field "ORDERID"---
Now what if i wanted to get more than one value of datakeyfield which for example is the (date , time and userid)
how could i get the values , now if i could get the values making the sql statement wont be difficult.
Thanks in advance My friend
Best Regards