Class trouble


Active member
Jun 15, 2003
So what I want to do is to read a query string and depending on what it is, open a class accordingly. The query string is simple and goes something like this

instead of making a select case statement to determine which class to open, i want to use the string istelf to open an instace of a class.

it would be nice if i could do something like:

Dim new_class as new request.querystring.tostring

but unfortunately it dont work :P

someone ideas?
Hi Shims,

I dont think that it is possible what you want to do...

The reason:
To create a object you have to type something like this:
Button bt = new Button();

But what is when your object to create has parameters in the constructor like following?:
DataBaseAccess db = new DataBaseAccess(ConnectionString, dbType, etc);

This is the reaseon ill think that this is impossible, further it gives nothing like this:

object obj = new object(System.getType("myClass"));

Maybe I