sln size and speed


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2003
Holstein, Germany.
Hello everybody,

I am wondering if anyone has experienced that the IDE slows down BIG TIME when the solution gets larger.

We now have a solution of approx. 300 classes.

All UI-classes use custom user controls plus "extended" controls (inherits textbox, checkbox, cbobox etc.)

Depending on the notebook, IDE startup time takes between 7 and 30 minutes. 30 minutes full CPU power on a P4.

Just inserting a new line of code via copy / paste make take 30 seconds.

Any solutions or workarounds?
We are not overly eager to split the sln into several ones, because that would either make debugging much more difficult or require us to have more than one instance of devenv.exe running.

Any hints or ideas are greatly appreciated.
(By the whole team)
You could split it into DLLs in the one solution. If youve got one massive project, breaking it into DLLs would simplify debugging and managing the code in future. If the projects are all in the same solution then you only need one DevEnv.exe running to view it all.
Pasting involves moving everything below down to fit in the new text, Im not sure if theres a way around this
Ouch, Ive never heard of it taking that long. You should check it on a few machines with different specifications, and if it still manifests itself drop a bug report to Microsoft about it.
Is it possible to use file references for some of the 8 projects? Do you really need access to ALL of the source in every project?

We have a similar type of project here though I dont think were quite at 300 classes, maybe a few hundred all told (including web services). I generally only have 2 or 3 projects open per solution since they all add up to more memory (I have 1 gig) and compile time (checking that theyre all up to date).

In the beginning, I had 5 or 6 projects open, when the code was just starting out and there were near constant changes to all projects (from different developers no less). Now that things are more "final", I removed the projects and changed the references to file references and things work much better.

Are you using 1.1 or 1.0 of the framework? Do you have the 1.0 service packs on, if using 1.0?

I dont know that 8 projects and 300 classes will get much faster if youre already on a P4 and plenty of memory. I noticed a definite improvement when I jumped from a PIII 700 with 512 meg to a P4 and 1 gig. At home Im lucky to have a P4 with 1.5 gig and Ive yet to see ANY performance problems. But I cant imagine what MS tests on if they DID see performance problems (dual Xeons maybe?) :)

Check to see if CPU utilization is jumping up to 100%. If this is the case let me know, as Ive experienced the same problem, which I believe is caused by a corrupted solution user options file (*.suo). Recreating the solution has fixed the problem in my situation.
If you are running VS.NET 2002, this is an issue Ive heard about from MS. If you are running VS.NET 2003, not only does it do it alot quicker, but there are some advanced options in there to make it even snappier (somehow you can have the IDE ignore certain projects or some such thing; I really do not recall)