Auto re-install only if upgrading


New member
Jul 28, 2003
If I have users connecting to a server daily, how can I have the users pc detect whether an upgraded version of my VB.NET application exists on the server and if so then download it and re-install? All of this has to be done as automatically as possible because the users are not computer savvy and we dont want to confuse them. (The application has to be on the user pc because they will use it offline and there are over 1000 pcs that will use this application.) Any suggestions would be appreciated!
According to one Microsoft document, I and tried this and it works, they suggest that you place the exe and dlls on the server, then your users use the internet explorer to access the program on the server. IE will take care of downloading what it needs to run the application. New dlls whatever. Downside is you have another window, (IE), open so your frame is smaller. And your users have to have the address of the directory on the server or some other URL.

If you find a better way let me know. I also am searching for a better solution
That would be possible if the users were constantly connected to the server. However, they will connect to the server at a hotsite only once a day to receive email, etc. then drive away (the pcs are in their cars) and work on the application offline. So thats why its necessary to download the application to the pcs.