does anyone knows how the code to allow only percentage format to be input at textbox? (3 digits or less , 1 decimal point, 2 digits). i would also want to limit to 100.00
Anytime I want to validate something I highly consider regular expressions. If you are not familiar with them, they seem a little confusing at first, but once you get the hang of them it pays off. They are very fast and very streamline. A great site to get you started on Regular Expressions is:
I have created the RegEx you were asking for, see below. It forces the user to have at a minimum a decimal point and two numeric i.e. ".00". It also forces the user to stay below 100.00. I think this is exactly what you were asking for, if it isnt you can tweak the regular expression. If you need help just shoot me a PM.
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Dim RegExpression As Regex
RegExpression = New Regex("^((100.00)|([1-9][0-9]|[1-9]|)(\.\d\d))$")
If RegExpression.IsMatch(YOUR_TEXT_TO_BE_CHECKED) Then MsgBox("Its a match!") Else MsgBox("Not a match!")
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